Rebuilt Common Rail Diesel Fuel Injector for 11-16 Chevy Duramax Trucks with 6.6 LGH Engine.
I have been rebuilding injectors for 12 years and there is a 2 year warranty on this injector.
This Part was manufactured by a factory that is a supplier to an international VW Car Factory. This qualifies the part is an OEM Part (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for the VW group.
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Part Number: 0445117008 12620535 0986435409 19210900
Weight: 1.2
Price: $125.00 plus $50 Core Charge
Short Product Description:
Rebuilt 0445117008 Chevy CRI Injector
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Detailed Compatibility Data For This Part:
Version G
Alternative Part Numbers for this item:
Description: Rebuilt 0445117008 Chevy CRI Injector
Price: $125.00 plus 50 Core Charge